Baby Sensory & Toddler Sense Glasgow North West
Our award-winning classes are held exclusively from our very own space on the first floor of Netherton Community Centre (lift available) Fully refurbished and matted with lots of those extra touches that make a WOW centre such an inviting and comfortable experience for grown-ups, babies & toddlers. Our bespoke rooms are for the sole use of Baby Sensory & Toddler Sense customers.
Our WOW centre could not be more perfect for you, with fantastic facilities such as a huge on-site car park and, coming soon a lovely cafe for chats after class. Open Monday - Friday we offer a full time table of classes to suit your routine
Running from Netherton Community Centre just off Gt Western Road near Anniesland Cross our Baby Sensory classes are suitable from birth to 13mth, Toddler Sense from 13mth to 4 years
Our class structure and activities are based on 35+ years of research & experience by our founder Dr Lin Day. Each week brings different activities but follow a familiar routine which is important to children's early development
Baby Sensory is a learning and development programme specifically designed for babies aged from birth to 13 months
Every week you and your baby will enjoy a wide range of different sensory activities carefully researched and designed to support your baby's natural development.
You will be welcomed into our dedicated Baby Sensory room by our friendly, experienced class leaders who's aim is to make your class experience as relaxed, comfortable and welcoming as possible.
You will meet and be able to socialise with other like minded mums, dads and caregivers, what a wonderful opportunity to meet and socialise with new friends
Toddler Sense offers a whole new world of sensory stimulation, play, fun adventures and learning for your toddler or pre-school child.
Come along and join us in our fabulous ever changing adventure play area, not only a great place to play but the equipment encourages a wide range of skills from social to physical development as we make new friends, climb, crawl, roll and bounce!
Classes are designed to help your adventurous child burn off excess energy and develop vital physical, communication, social and intellectual skills
We challenge children's creativity and imagination - watch out for the crocodile, lets fly to the moon, how high can you build this tower? We help intellectual development - how do I get over this obstacle, can I work out how to thread these bobbins to make a train?
But most of all WE HAVE FUN!!
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