Glasgow Care Foundation

A small charity doing big things for Glasgow.
Glasgow Care Foundation was established in 1874 before the NHS and Welfare State with the main aim to alleviate poverty in Glasgow.

Glasgow Care Foundation

Glasgow Care Foundation

Orkney Street Enterprise Centre
18–20 Orkney Street
Glasgow G51 2BX
United Kingdom

9:00AM - 6:00PM

0141 445 2736

Glasgow Care Foundation was established in 1874 before the NHS and Welfare State.
Since our origins our aim is to alleviate poverty in Glasgow.
Our client referrals come from organisations such as Social Work, Housing Associations, Citizens Advice and other agencies working with vulnerable people.

We often describe ourselves as a "Small charity doing big things for Glasgow".
And our motto is: "A Helping Hand not a Hand Out".
We provide assistance to some of the poorest families and individuals who cannot get help from any other source.
Our key financial focus is supporting these families and individuals and that is why all
money raised through fundraising or donation goes directly to people in need.
For that reason, our Board are voluntary, and each of our 4 employees works a part-time basis.

Our main support is providing basic items (washing machines, fridges, bedding, etc.)
Within 1 week we can be delivering items that make an immediate impact on the client’s personal situation.
At Christmas we provide gift cards to parents most in need to purchase gifts for their children for Christmas morning.
Our goods are ordered from a variety of suppliers offering a balance of quality versus cost, these are reviewed periodically to maintain value for money and support our available budget.

We are increasingly concerned about the crisis people will face this year in relation to fuel poverty and the choice between heating or eating. To help, we will be issuing Asda gift cards which allow a meter top up or food or a combination of both.

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