Veterans In Need C.I.C

We are a Community Interest Company ( CIC ), that has been set up to reduce the many problems facing Veterans, Service Personnel & their Families plus members of the community. 

Veterans in need

Registered Office: Veterans In Need C.I.C
27 Old Gloucester Street,
London, WC1N 3AX

+44 7827-908-052

We aim to achieve this by providing as much Help & Information as possible, both on the website and popular Social Media platforms.
Most subjects are covered and we have put all of the Help and Information in one location, instead of being spread all over the internet.

We are allowing those who help the Armed Forces Community a chance to advertise on our website totally free of charge until 01 October 2021, please apply now.

We are not a Charity, we are 100% Volunteers, any funds we get are donated to Veterans and Armed Forces charities and invested in the community.

Get in touch

Fill out your details and message, using the following form, to contact the business directly.

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    Your Email (required)




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