Another great event ran by Glasgow Caledonian University students. I spoke to Jasmin Watt who told me;
“Our event is run by Glasgow Caledonian University students studying International fashion branding. We are all in second year and enjoy going out so we created an event that could be a safe space for a night out while also helping people make new friends. We partnered with Women’s aid Renfrewshire as we believe in what they stand for and know many amazing women who work closely with the charity. Our event will be held in Moskito on the 19th of April and include some games, a talk from someone at women’s aid Renfrewshire, a Dj performance and a raffle. We have been donated some amazing raffle prizes which can be won by purchasing tickets on the night of the event. Our instagram is @flamantcogcu and tickets for the event can be bought on eventbrite using the qr code on the flyer or in the link in our bio on instagram”
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