In a land, cold and bright quite far from here, there are little people called elves and lots of Reindeer.
Yes! You may have guessed it they live in the North Pole,
Shhhh don’t tell anyone , do not tell a soul!
Now when these little elves hatch from their eggs they jump out with a big grin, they patiently wait for their destiny, yes they wait for their life to begin.
Some elves are nimble, some elves are quick and they are sure to work for Saint Nick!
Some elves are creative, they put their work to the test, these elves make santa’s toys they are among the very best.
Some elves sing beautifully and can really hold a tune, these elves join choirs and sing to the man in the moon.
Some elves are crafty and they love wrapping presents, some elves are too lazy and have no Christmas presence.
Some elves are mischievous and get up to no good,
They are banished to the southpole for being very rude.
Among these elves there are a few that are born and not sure what they can do.
One such elf, her name is Twinkle Starr and she just hasn’t gone very far.
Born with no real gift she wanders around feeling lost
Driving other elves to distraction no matter what the cost
Twinkle gets in trouble with Santa Claus, not being a goof elf and breaking the North Pole Laws
Twinkle doesn’t mean it, she is a good elf deep inside
She just doesn’t understand why its easy for every other elves North Pole wide!
Twinkle had an idea and a brilliant one at that ! Twinkle thought to enroll children to don their elfy hat !
With the support of Santa and her friends we made her dream come true, Friends from the Elf school are visiting a town near you.
Join us this year in Powerleague in Paisley for our Elf Academy. Enrolling children of school age, to come along and find their special elf gift. We’ll put your humans to the test and all will graduate because your humans are among the very best.
Santa will appear for elf inspection, Mrs Claus will be there too and all our elfy friends will be excited to greet you.
Each young elf shall graduate, be present with a certificate and have a photo opportunity.
How can I enroll my child I hear you ask ? Well that is very simple, send an email to and we’ll pass it along to Kris Kringle.
At last Twinkles wish as come true. One session made for all. Join us there at a half past one and you’ll be sure to have a ball.
Twinkles very Happy! Twinkles full of glee. Twinkle is dancing all around her Twinkly Christmas tree.
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Don’t forget to see what other cherished experiences we offer.
Breakfast with Santa also 9th December
Personalized Home visits – This years production of Santa the elf and the shopping list is almost sold out. Covering Renfrewshire, East Ren, Lanarkshire and Glasgow.
- Deluxe Christmas Eve Videos and Elf Messenger Visits. So much to choose from. We can’t wait to hear from you soon.