Sustainable Glasgow


The Sustainable Glasgow Partnership aims to position Glasgow as a leading city in the development of the green and wider circular economy.

The council-led initiative was formed in 2010 to make Glasgow a world-leading centre for sustainable policy, innovation and action, and helped the city achieve its 2020 target of reducing CO2 emissions by 30%. The partnership now works to support the city’s ambition of becoming Net-Zero Carbon by 2030.

The Partnership’s diverse board includes members from housing, communities, business, universities, enterprise and education working together to create a sustainable and low carbon city.

Sustainable Glasgow is supported by four thematic hubs designed to produce innovative solutions to key city challenges.

The four hubs are:

  1. Greening the City Hub
  2. Green Infrastructure and Transport Hub
  3. Private Sector and Green Economy Hub
  4. Housing and Heating Hub

The Partnership’s broad range of projects are improving quality of life in the city, boosting the economy and protecting the environment.

They cover everything from the installation of LED street lights, installing climate friendly infrastructure, making homes in the city more efficient and better insulated, growing our network of electric car charging points, to the creation of renewable energy schemes, green jobs, and large scale climate neutral approaches to city transformation.

One recent key output has been the launch of the Sustainable Glasgow Charter in June 2021. Leading businesses and employers in Glasgow have been encouraged to pledge support to the Charter committing to take action to contribute to a green recovery and reduce the city’s carbon emissions.